Now that we’re on Week 8 of Quarantine and have somewhat adjusted to our new normal, I thought I would share 10 Life Lessons that I’ve learned from staying at home.
Although, this is how none of us wanted to spend most of our spring and summer, I believe that there are positives in every situation and I trust that God has a plan. Relying on my faith, FaceTimes with my family, blogging, and spending extra quality time with my boyfriend and daily walks are just a few things that have really helped me cope with staying at home.
I’ve also taken some time to think about what I’ve learned during this time and the changes I want to make after this quarantine is over!

1.In a world that is unpredictable and always changing.. God will never change
Especially in these times, it’s important to remember that God nor his word ever changes. He will always keep his promises to us no matter what. Right now I am really loving these two bible verses: Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Hebrews 13:8 – Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
2. Never take people for granted, family, friends, co-workers
I never thought there would be a day where I couldn’t drive home to see my family if I wanted to. It’s definitely hard, but it makes me appreciate all the time I get to spend with them even more.
3. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side
There are so many people that have said they want to work from home, but now that they have to, they actually would rather be in the office. This is just one example, but this phrase is true for a lot of things in our lives!
4. Even with all the time in the world, there are still some things that I don’t make time for
Things like doing the laundry, or clearing up memory on my phone, or unsubscribing from email accounts, and a few other things haha.
So really the excuse, “I don’t have enough time” isn’t true for some things. Instead it’s more a lack of motivation to do it. Things that you truly want to do or achieve, you will find a way to do them, even if you don’t have a lot of time.
5. Technology is Incredible
It’s awesome how connected we can still be with one another, even though we are far apart! I am so thankful for FaceTime and all the social media apps that have kept me busy while staying home.
6. Live Life Unafraid.. Live courageously.
Every day is a gift and you never know what’s in store for tomorrow so live life to the fullest. Don’t be afraid of what others will think or how you will be perceived by the world because the world will always judge and make assumptions. It will make you feel like you can’t do certain things or that you will be made fun of for trying. Don’t let the world define who you are. Instead, let God define who you are. You are his own special possession (1 Peter 2:9)
7. Taking time to slow down is so important
Before Quarantine, it felt like life was so busy and chaotic. Always things going on and stuff that needed to get done. But, staying at home these past few weeks has really showed me how crucial it is to take a step back from the craziness and just relax for a little while.
8. Community is Awesome
I love how so many people are coming together to make and donate masks, check up on their family and friends, wave at one another, offering to pick up groceries for older neighbors, shopping local, etc. Although, none of use can be physically close, you can see the community really come together!
9. Everything is Temporary
This is something my Dad has always said to me in so many different situations! Pain – temporary. Heartache- temporary. Sadness -temporary. Everything in life is temporary.
This quarantine and stay at home order, once again, temporary.
Let’s take this time to enjoy being home, organizing every inch of our apartment, playing games with the family, FaceTiming friends, learning new skills, finding a new hobby and getting a chance to read, journal, take a bath or relax however you choose!
10. Life is too short to pass up any opportunities, to have regrets, or not take a chance
Life is to short to not put yourself out there or step out of your comfort zone. Don’t pass up any opportunities that life gives you because you’re afraid. Jump at every opportunity thrown your way.
Now, take some time to answer the following questions!
What have you learned about yourself or about life in these times? Will you live your life differently after things go back to normal?