23 Facts About Me!

Since I am celebrating my 23rd birthday today, I thought I would share 23 facts about me that maybe you didn’t know! I honestly can’t believe I’m turning 23. I feel like I say this every year now, but it’s true! I still feel like I’m 18. I have no idea where the time went!

I hope you enjoy learning a little more about me!

  1. I have never been out of the country before!
  2. I am so claustrophobic and hate elevators! I have walked up thirteen flights of stairs just so I didn’t have to get on the elevator.
  3. Elephants are my favorite animal! I am so excited to go see the new elephant exhibit at the Milwaukee Zoo! 😊
  4. I ran my first 5k this past weekend with my boyfriend! I really love running, but I have such a hard time running farther than a mile, so I’ve always been nervous to actually sign up for a race. It was so much fun though and we almost ran the entire time! I am so proud!
  5. I still order off the kids menu (if the waitress let’s me)! I love when we go to Olive Garden because we can order off the tablets, so I get kids meal every time!
  6. I don’t usually splurge on a ton of items, but the one thing I will always spend a little more on is a good purse. I get so much use out of my bags and they last forever, so I have no problem putting down a little extra money to have a good quality bag!
  7. I am an extremely organized person. Everything I own has a place it belongs.
  8. I love group fitness classes!! Zumba, Barre, Cycling, I love them all! I love that these classes are so fun it doesn’t feel like I’m working out!
  9. One of my favorite books I’ve ever read is Live Fearless: A Call to Power, Passion, and Purpose by Sadie Robertson. This book is incredible and I could read it over and over again. It is so relatable and if you are someone that struggles with insecurity, loneliness, comparison, or fear, this book is for you! There are so many great bible verses and prayers in the book that you can go back to whenever you feel anxious or fearful!
  10. I cry during almost any movie I watch! I can’t help it haha I just get so into the movie!
  11. I’ve never had any pets before! Actually funny story, in elementary school my dad told me if I scored 5 goals in my soccer season he would buy me a dog. I wasn’t the best soccer player so it was supposed to be motivation to play better, but I don’t think he thought I could do it. I actually did score 5 goals and could’ve had a dog, but instead my parents told me they would give me $500 to spend at the American Girl Doll store and I chose that. I still am in shock that they were able to convince me not to get a dog!
  12. I love interviewing! I always had at least two jobs in high school and college and I always looked forward to interviews! I don’t know why, but I like editing my resume and preparing questions, talking about my qualifications, and getting to see the office!
  13. I’m definitely more of a morning person than a night owl! When it hits 9pm I am so tired! I honestly can barely make it past midnight ever!
  14. I am obsessed with Keeping up with the Kardashian’s! I had never seen a single episode of it before this past March and now I can’t stop watching it! Currently on Season 7 right now haha!
  15. Cookies are my weakness. I made it a New Year’s Resolution to cut back on my cookie eating to one per day and I am not doing so hot. I honestly can’t help myself! I love cookies so much!
  16. I have a shoe obsession! I have so many pairs and I can’t stop myself from purchasing more. If I see a pair I like, I buy it almost immediately!
  17. My blogger role model is Rachel Parcell! If you don’t know who she is look her Instagram up right now! She is gorgeous and so funny! Her insta stories and live videos with her sisters are the best!
  18. I am so close with my family and consider them my best friends! Right now I live an hour away from my parents house and I feel like that’s way too far haha!
  19. Boston store will forever be my favorite store. I am still so sad that it’s closed! I actually worked as a Sales Associate there since my freshman year of college until my senior year and I even interned as a Merchandising Assistant at corporate! I was supposed to work there full time as an Assistant Buyer after graduation, but then they closed πŸ™ I miss their deals so much and my discount.
  20. I am the pickiest eater you will ever meet. But I am really trying to branch out! I tried Ranch dressing this year! Baby steps.
  21. I am completely obsessed with the clean beauty movement and switching out my current beauty and household items for safer alternatives. (You guys might already know this if you follow me on Insta or have read my last couple blog posts!) If not, I’ll link why I switched to clean beauty here and why I joined Beauty Counter here. I really love being able to share my knowledge and help you find safer products that are actually good for you! Honestly, if you’re interested in learning more about it, message me or text me. I love getting to answer your questions πŸ™‚
  22. I love playing tennis. I played in high school and miss playing competitively! It’s such a great sport to get into because you can play it your entire life.
  23. I love Rachel Hollis and listening to her podcast! She is so motivating and inspirational. Episode 93 is one of my faves because it’s all about overcoming your fear of failure. She talks about how failing at something new might not be what you’re afraid of, but rather having other people watch you fail. Honestly, take a second to think about that. If nobody was watching, would you still be afraid to try? Don’t let the opinions of other people control your life.

I will leave you with that! As I get older, the more I realize how important it is for you to live for YOU! Do the things that make you happy, without worrying about what others will think of you because it’s your life! Start that Youtube Channel, interview for that other job, try that sport you have been wanting to play. Do what you want to do!! It’s never too late to go after your dreams!

I hope you really take this to heart no matter what age you are! πŸ™‚

Cheers to 23!



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