Who doesn’t want flawless skin? In this post, I’m spilling all the beauty secrets for effortlessly flawless skin! These are tips that I swear by and have been using for years! So trust me when I say these are GOOD! If you want smooth, acne-free, youthful looking skin, try out these 8 tips below. All tested and true 🙂
If you don’t currently have much of a skincare routine, don’t worry, I was right there with you a few years ago! You can read my Morning Skincare Routine post here if you need product recommendations or just want to know what products I use on my skin.
I totally believe that the products you use are very important, but I also think there are a lot of other factors that play into clear, beautiful and flawless-looking skin as well. I’m sharing those with you today!
Keep reading to learn the 8 beauty secrets I swear by for effortlessly flawless skin!

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1. Sleep on a satin pillowcase
Not only will you feel like you’re living the lavish life, but your skin (+hair) will thank you! I’ve been sleeping on a satin pillowcase for almost a year now and let me tell you, it’s a game changer.
With satin, you won’t wake up with any creases or lines on your face unlike cotton. Cotton pillowcases can cause those deep facial creases and wrinkles as you move around in the night and I can’t think of anything worse than that!
2. Sleep on your back
Okay hear me out on this one. I know how hard it can be to sleep laying on your back. Trust me, I’m still struggling with this one because I’m a natural side and tummy sleeper. But, sleeping on your back is so much better for your skin! All your nighttime skin products you lather on will stay perfectly in place, you’ll wake up less puffy, and you’ll prevent wrinkles on your face and neck.
This might be a hard habit to get into, especially since you can’t control how you sleep during the night, but just try it out!
3. Take make up off at night
In college, I was so guilty of sleeping with my makeup on! I’d be so exhausted that I would just pass out. Now, I don’t care what time it is I ALWAYS take off my makeup. There’s been times where I’ve accidentally fallen asleep, woken up in the middle of the night and STILL gone to take off my makeup.
I just hate the thought of all this makeup clogging my pores, causing acne, and not allowing my skin to breathe!
When you get into the habit of taking your makeup off, you won’t turn back. Your skin will be so much healthier and clearer.
4. Face mask once a week
Who doesn’t love a good face mask!? Face masks are so beneficial and can target specific skin concerns you have instantly! And there are so many to choose from. I like this charcoal mask because it absorbs excess oil and purifies & detoxifies pores.
Every mask provides different benefits depending on the ingredients! This mask balances your skin, this one hydrates and moisturizes, this one tightens and purifies, and this one removes blackheads.
I’ll share a few of my favorite face masks below!
5. Use SPF daily
Oh my gosh this is sooo important!! You need to be wearing spf DAILY, all year round! Sunscreen is not just for the summer. Wearing sunscreen will keep your skin looking and feeling healthy for years to come! By not putting on sunscreen and being exposed to UV radiation speeds up your skin aging process and can cause wrinkles, which we DO NOT want!!
Better yet, when you go out in the sun, make sure you also wear sunglasses, a hat or bring an umbrella. My skin is so sensitive, whenever we go on vacations I always bring an umbrella to carry with me to shade myself.
A lot of moisturizers and foundations actually have spf in them, but if yours doesn’t just add it into your morning skincare routine. Currently loving this protect + glow sunscreen that protects from blue light as well!
5. Find skincare products that work for your skin
It’s so so important to find products that work for your skin! Everyone’s skin is different so you can’t base your skincare routine off of someone else’s. Is your skin oily, dry, maybe a combination? Do you suffer from redness or acne? Everyone has different problems so find products that work for you and give you the results you need!
I recently shared my morning skincare routine, if you’d like to see what products I use or are looking for new products to add into your routine, click here!
If you have dry or irritated skin, read this post on the life-changing dry skin hacks that transformed my skin!
6. Avoid touching your face
I cringe just typing this because I absolutely hate touching my face. The worst is when other people touch it LOL. Your hands are disgusting, they touch everything and when you touch your face.. ughh. just don’t do it! All the dirt and grime and germs you have on your hands.
7. Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night
Beauty sleep is a real thing! If you aren’t getting enough sleep, it totally shows in your face. You get bags and dark circles under your eyes, your skin sags, it’s not good! Try to aim for 8 hours every night. If you’re not getting 8 hours, adjust your schedule or go to bed earlier. Sleep is so important!
We recently upgraded all of our pillows and it’s made such a difference in our sleep quality.
8. At Home Facial Massage Daily
You do not need to go to the spa for a facial massage, you can do it yourself and reap massive benefits! Just make sure you’ve washed your hands before touching your face!
Massaging your face will relax your muscles and relieve tension & stress! Which will actually help prevent wrinkles. Facial massages increase your circulation, promote collagen production and remove toxins from your skin. There’s too many benefits not to do it!
I try to give myself a quick facial massage at least once a day. Usually in the evening after I’ve done my nightly skincare routine. I prefer to use a rose quartz roller instead of my fingers. I love the cooling sensation and it just helps to make sure all your skincare products get absorbed into your skin!
If you liked this post, pin it for later on your Pinterest Beauty board!

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10 Life Changing Dry Skin Hacks
My Nontoxic Morning Skincare Routine
How and Why I Switched to Clean Beauty (and You Should Too)!
Share any skincare secrets you have below!