Who else feels like this winter has lasted foreverrrrr. I mean the month of January felt like it would never end. I’m just happy that every day is another day closer to spring and warm weather!
The freezing cold temperatures and mountains of snow we have here in Wisconsin have been making me kind of sad, so I’m going to share a few ways that I beat the winter blues! Comment below if you have been feeling this way too!
Get Outside!
I love when the sun is shining in the summer and I can throw on a pair of shorts and a tank top and just go to the beach, go on a run, or read a book outside. I love being able to walk out the door without having to think about putting on a heavy coat, hat, gloves, and a scarf. To be able to roll down the windows in my car and just enjoy the fresh air.
This winter has felt so incredibly long and dreary. It’s been hard to go to work in the morning when it’s dark outside and come home and the sun is already going down. Not to mention working in an office that doesn’t have a window. It is so sad!
I have to intentionally seek out sunlight if I want any, and that is what I recommend you do as well!
If you are someone that is feeling down because of the weather, get outside! Even if it’s cold, bundle up, wear two pairs of leggings, a warm scarf, etc, just get out and enjoy the sun! Even if there is still snow on the ground, go on a walk and get some Vitamin D!
Being outside with the sun shining always makes me feel happy!
Take a Group Fitness class
I absolutely love group fitness classes! They’re even better when you take them with a friend! Winter time is actually when I take the most group exercise classes because I can’t work out outdoors. I usually like to run by the lake or on trails when it’s warm out, but since I can’t in the winter, group fitness is what I love!
I always feel so motivated when there are others around me pushing me to do my best. The instructors are so encouraging and everyone else is also there to push themselves and try their hardest and it is such a great feeling! You forget all about the weather and how frigid it is outside when you get to the gym and start working out!
If I feel even the slightest bit sad because of the weather, going to a group fitness class, completely changes my mood! I always come out feeling more inspired, motivated, and ready to take on my day, week, etc.
And if you’re not one who loves group fitness, first- try it again, or take a different class to see if you like that! And if you really don’t like it, any sort of exercise will do!
Start Redecorating your house for Spring
Nothing puts me in a better mood than going to Target and buying all new decor for my home, especially in the spring! When I went to Target last, they had all new pillows, storage organization, candles, planters, and tons and tons of succulents and plants!!
I am such a sucker for cute succulents and I can never resist buying a new one every time I go shopping! Adding more greenery and potted plants to any room makes me feel so happy! It’s a subtle reminder right now that spring is coming!
Buying new plants, new pillows, new dishes, or even adding a lighter scented wall-plugin to your home can make it feel more spring-like!
Eat healthy
When I make an effort to eat healthier, I ALWAYS feel so much better! I feel more energized, more motivated, and more productive. I’m not as tired and I just feel happier.
It’s hard for me to eat healthy when I have any snacks or junk food in my pantry because I know I will just eat the snacks instead. So, when I’m at the grocery store I will try to not buy a ton of junk food. I make a conscious effort to buy more fruit, yogurt, salads, etc because if I only buy healthy options I have no choice but to eat them!
I know how hard it can be to eat healthy, though, when there are so many snack options available! I really struggle with this, but I know my body and mind feel so much better when I eat healthy, so I try to tell myself that when I’m shopping for food!
Shop for Spring clothes!
Shopping in general makes me very happy, but shopping for swimsuits, shorts, tank tops, sandals, and summer dresses makes me SO excited!! I love getting to switch out all my winter sweaters, turtlenecks, leggings, and scarves for lighter clothing!
Almost all stores have their new spring clothing lines out right now so I would definitely recommend taking a shopping trip to some of your favorite stores!
I actually would suggest physically going to the stores and trying the clothes on because I know for me, being able to try on the swimsuits and shorts puts me in an even better mood!
Personally, as much as I love online shopping and the convenience of it, actually going to the store makes me feel happier in terms of trying to beat the winter slump. Usually the store’s atmosphere is bright and fun, and already decorated for spring, so for a little while you forget that you have to go back outside to the winter weather!
Wear Bright Colors
Another tip that works for me, and is also clothing related is to wear bright colors! It seems like most people tend to only wear bright colors in the spring and summer when it is warm outside, but that doesn’t have to be the case! Try wearing only bright pinks, yellows, oranges, lime greens, etc for a week and see what it does to your mood!
Sometimes in the winter we get into the habit of just wearing comfy clothes- sweatpants, t shirts, sweatshirts, sherpas, etc and most of those seem to come in grays, blacks, or whites, which can have a slight effect on our mood. Switch it up and try wearing some of your brighter colored clothes! I guarantee it will make you feel somewhat better about this weather!
Plan a trip!
Planning a beach getaway or summer vacation is so fun! Looking up hotels, things to do, places to see, restaurants to eat at, etc all get me really excited. I love having something to look forward to!
Even if you can’t book a week-long vacation, think about doing a weekend getaway to somewhere warm! It doesn’t even have to be far, but just knowing that you are going somewhere in a few months/whenever will make the winter weather more bearable (hopefully haha!)
How are you currently holding up this winter? Let me know what you do to beat the winter blues!
Have an amazing week! Here’s to warmer weather hopefully coming soon!