Happy Sunday Loves! Today I thought it’d be fun to share with you my current at-home fitness routine! I’ve been on such a workout kick lately and I love it! Working out makes me feel so good and it gives me so much more energy!
With the weather getting SO MUCH colder, I find myself wanting to stay home and work out in the warmth of my apartment. So, I’m going to show you exactly what I do to stay in shape without leaving my house!
This workout routine that I am currently doing is completely different from the workout I was doing 6 months ago. Since graduating college, I no longer have my free gym membership and I just haven’t found another gym I want to join here. Either they are too expensive or too far away from my apartment. And without a car, my options are pretty limited! So for right now I have been exercising in my apartment! If the weather is nice, some days I will run outside. But, it’s been pretty cold, so I have been doing indoor apartment-friendly workouts!
As of the past six weeks, I have been consistently doing YouTube workout videos and I absolutely love them!!! I actually can’t believe how much I sweat after finishing these videos! I also feel like I have been pushing myself a lot harder than usual because I have someone else showing me what to do and how long to do the exercises for!

The Workout
So here is my typical workout routine that I have been doing about 5 days a week- Monday through Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday! Those are just the days that work for me.
I always start out my workout with a cardio video that is somewhere between 30-45 minutes long. Almost all of the workouts that I do are from PopSugar Fitness, but I like the Blogilates and Love Sweat Fitness videos as well. These are so fun and it feels like you’re taking a fitness class because someone is showing you all of the exercises and is pushing you to keep going!
Here are the videos that I have been doing as my cardio portion of my workout- I don’t have much workout equipment in my apartment, so the videos I choose use just my body weight alone. AND honestly, I am amazed at what the body can do without any weights or equipment!
You can click on any of the workouts below and it will take you right to the video!
*30-Minute Full-Body HIIT Workout to Torch Calories
*30-Minute Strength, Cardio, and Pilates Core Workout
*30-Minute Selena Gomez Workout For Flat Abs and Toned Legs
*30-Minute No-Equipment Barre Sculpting Workout
*40-Minute Cardio and Booty-Burning Barre Workout
I try to choose a new video each workout, so I don’t feel like I’m doing the same workout over and over again. Then, the next week I will repeat some of the videos I did the week before.
Honestly, the first time I did these videos, I was absolutely exhausted and could barely finish the workout. But by the second time I did them, I got so much better!!
After I finish the cardio portion of my workout I always choose two more videos to complete my workout. One that focuses solely on my butt and one that targets my abs!
The video I am currently loving to target my butt is:
10-Minute Booty Shaping Workout
It burns, but it feels so good! And it’s only 10 minutes, so I find it so easy to complete the entire video!
The abs workout that I have been doing is:
10-Minute Flat Belly Barre Workout
OMG! This is my all time favorite abs video!! The 10 minutes flies by and I love that every move is only done for 8 to 10 counts. I get bored if I’m doing the same move for a long time, so this video is perfect for me. It’s really upbeat and works the upper, middle, and lower abs all in one!
I like to switch up my ab routine as well, so I also do:
How to Lose BELLY POOCH | Lower Abs Barre Bootcamp
After I finish one of the abs videos, I usually end with my own ab sequence! Here are the moves I do:
*2 – 30 second planks
*25 Bicycle crunches
*25 Heel Taps
*10 Leg Raises
*25 Vertical Scissors
*25 Horizontal Scissors
*25 Reverse Crunches
Heel Taps: Lay on your back, raise your legs in a table-top position, lower legs down and tap both heels down on the floor, raise legs back up to table-top position
Leg Raises: Lay on your back, keep legs together and straight on the floor, raise both legs 90 degrees and lower them back down (don’t touch them to the floor, just hover!)
Vertical Scissors: Scissors up and down
Horizontal Scissors: Scissors side to side
My total workout time, depending on the length of the first cardio video is usually anywhere from 50-70 minutes long with a few minutes dedicated to stretching at the end!
I have been loving my current workout routine and look forward to it every day! I’d love to know what your workout routine looks like, leave a comment below! If you have any questions on any aspect of my workout feel free to ask as well!
Have a great week!