50 Simple Habits to Improve Your Life Immediately!

Creating intentional, mindful and healthy habits is so important! If you want to improve any aspect of your life, you need to look at your daily habits. Right now, take some time to think about your goals and what your dream life would look like every day.

Do you want to wake up at 6am to go for a morning run? Or maybe do you want to always have a clean and organized home? Do you want to eat healthier and workout consistently?

Whatever your dream life looks like to you, I want you to ask yourself, “Are my daily habits helping me achieve my dream life?” If your answer is no, then YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOUR HABITS!!! And lucky for you, in this post I’m sharing 50 super simple habits that you can use to improve your life this year and finally start living the life you’ve dreamed of.

Habits to improve your life

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How To Build a New Habit

Now, building new habits that actually stick can take some time, so I wouldn’t try incorporating all 50 of these into your life. Just the ones that make sense to you! Start by choosing 2-3 habits from the list below that you can dedicate your time to. Make sure you’re choosing realistic and achievable new habits for your lifestyle.

If you are someone that needs to be held accountable so you don’t give up, I recommend downloading the Habitify app. I use it to track all the habits I’m working on and it’s AMAZING. It’s a pretty straightforward app and it’s so easy to track your daily progress and get reminders.

Currently one of the habits I’m working on is flossing every night before bed. I definitely would have forgotten to floss some nights if I didn’t get reminders on my phone!

Along with having a virtual habit tracker, I also recommend writing your habits down on paper and sticking it to your fridge, mirror or somewhere you will see it! This way, you’ll be reminded of it every time you walk by.

Grab my free quarterly and monthly goal-setting worksheet that will help you organize and prioritize what’s important to you in life!

Here are 50 habits that will immediately improve your life!

1. Make your bed every morning

2. Create a daily morning routine that you stick to (I have an awesome post on how to create your dream morning routine here!)

3. Read daily (Here’s a list of 30 self improvement books to get you started!)

4. Floss every night

5. Carry a reusable water bottle around with you

6. Wake up without hitting snooze

7. Pray every day

8. Write out your to-do list

9. Write down three things you’re grateful for every day

10. Spend at least 10 minutes outside every day

11. Relax in the tub with no distractions

12. No screen time 20 minutes before bed

13. Cut back on your sugar intake

14. Laugh it off

15. Get up and move at least once every hour

16. Drink less soda

17. Go to bed at a reasonable time

18. Wake up with the sunrise

19. Find exercises and workouts that make you feel good

20. Set goals for yourself and have a plan to achieve them

21. Make time for family

22. Learn a new skill or hobby every month

23. Diversify your friend group

24. Put yourself outside of your comfort zone

25. Do a digital detox a few times a month

26. Sleep 7-8 hours (whatever you need!)

27. Add more plants to your home

28. Forgive others

29. Live in the present

30. Sing in the car with the windows down

31. Wear clothes that make you feel good

32. Wear SPF! This daily spf 30 sunscreen is THE best! Reef-safe, no white cast and gives off the prettiest glow while also protecting from blue light!

33. Create a morning and evening skincare routine

34. Dance your heart out

35. Don’t overthink anything, just go for it

36. Smile as often as you can!

37. Go for daily walks outside

38. Say daily affirmations

39. Keep your life organized

40. Say I love you

41. Volunteer your time

42. Fuel your body with fruits and veggies

43. Spend time with people who inspire you

44. Create a budget for your money

Grab your free monthly budgeting download now! Track all your finances, monthly bills, expenses, income and debt all within this customizable spreadsheet!

budgeting template
Click here to download your free budgeting template!

45. Take weekend trips

46. Immerse yourself in new cultures

47. Go to the doctor annually for check ups

48. Create an emergency fund

49. Say “No” to things you don’t want to do

50. Love Yourself 

I hope you found this post to be extremely inspiring and motivating! These are some of my absolute favorite self-improvement habits that have had a profound impact on my life. By choosing a few of these habits to incorporate into your own life, you can start living your best life too!

I love the quote, “Success is found in your daily routine” by John Maxwell because it couldn’t be more true. Changes don’t happen overnight, they happen over time. If you repeatedly work to improve your life, your habits and your lifestyle, you will see results.

Remember, you have the power to change and improve your life every single day! What habits will you start incorporating into your life now? Leave me a comment below!

If you enjoyed this post, Pin it for later on your Self-Improvement Pinterest board!

daily habits to improve your life

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