Here are 100+ Yearly Goal Ideas and New Year’s Resolutions for 2024.
Happy New Year! As much as I love Christmas and all the fun it brings, I love the new year just as much. I love the feeling of a fresh start, a time to dream and set goals, make resolutions or break bad habits. It’s a time to reflect on what’s working for you and what’s not. I’m a huge believer in setting goals and new years resolutions and January is the perfect time to establish those.
In this post, I’m sharing 100 yearly goal ideas and new year’s resolutions to make this year your best year yet! Before you look through the list of goal ideas, make sure you grab my free goal setting worksheet. This printable will help you visualize your quarterly and monthly goals and physically track your progress!

Importance of Setting Goals
Before we get into the yearly goal ideas, I want to share the importance of setting goals. Goals help you prioritize what’s important to you, they give you motivation and something to work towards, and they allow you stay focused and on track throughout the day.
Setting clear, realistic and measurable goals has allowed me to achieve so many things over the past few years! I paid off my car loan, made my final student loan debt payment last year, and recently quit my job to pursue entrepreneurship full time. When you set smart goals and work hard to achieve them, good things happen!
If you want to read more about my own goals for the new year, click here!
How to Achieve your Goals
It’s one thing to set goals for yourself, but actually achieving them is an entirely different matter. I have an entire blog post dedicated to goal-setting, talking about how and why to set goals, how to achieve them and my favorite goal-setting resources to help you along the way, so I won’t go too in depth with it in this post.
But, my biggest piece of advice is to create an action plan for how you’re going tackle your goals. One of the best ways to do this is to break your big goals (your yearly goals) up into smaller goals (monthly and weekly goals) to make them more manageable. Then, give yourself a deadline/time frame to realistically achieve them by. You want to give yourself enough time, but not too much time, if that makes sense!
Sharing your goals with friends or family members and having weekly check-ins with yourself to track your progress also helps hold yourself accountable and follow through with your new year’s goals.
Yearly Goal Ideas
Now, take some time to look through the list of goals I’ve put together and think about what you hope to achieve this year. Do you want to advance your career, break a bad habit, maybe form a new habit, become more organized, learn some new skills? The first step to setting goals, is figuring out what you want to achieve.
If you’re struggling to come up with ideas on what you want to achieve, I recommend evaluating the different areas of your life. How are your finances? What about your personal relationships or your mental health? Looking at these areas of life can always help generate goal ideas!
Below, I have divided up the yearly goal ideas into categories: Personal Life, Healthy Lifestyle + Fitness, Career, School, Style and Beauty, Faith, Organization, Travel, and Finance.
Personal Life Goals
*Be slow to anger
*Have more patience
*Give more to charity
*Be more forgiving
*Volunteer your time
*Buy less material items (here are 15 things to stop buying)
*Care less about other people’s opinions
*Stop saying yes to everything
*Arrive early to events
*Wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual
*Be confident in everything that you do
*Do something every day that puts you outside of your comfort zone
*Read 1 book a month – here’s a list of 30 inspirational, girl-boss books to get you started!
*Journal multiple times a week
*Be more present (spend less time checking your phone)
*Stop comparing yourself to others
*Find happiness in where you are in life
*Focus on the good in every day
*Be more positive! Look at everything with the glass is half full mindset. Here are 10 habits to adopt for a happier life!
*Take more pictures and videos
*Learn a new language
*Make your bed on a daily basis
*Find a hobby that you enjoy
*Start a blog. I share all my tips for starting a successful money-making blog from scratch here!
*Listen to more personal development podcasts (while you’re getting ready in the morning, in the car, etc)
Healthy Lifestyle and Fitness Goals
*Join a gym
*Go to the gym 3-4 times per week (set a realistic goal for you and your lifestyle)
*Be active for 30 minutes every day
*Create a daily morning routine that works for your lifestyle
*Run a half marathon
*Try out a group fitness class
*Do ab exercises every night before bed
*Carry a water bottle around wherever you go
*Drink a gallon of water every day
*Make more meals at home
*Limit the number of times you eat out
*Eat more fruits/vegetables
*Do a 30 day challenge
*Stop drinking soda
*Stretch every morning/night
*Get 8 hours of sleep every night
*Walk on your lunch break
*Run a mile every day
*Practice self care once a week (bubble bath, nails, face mask, etc.) My self care routine shared here.
*Do a social media detox once a month
Career-Related and Professional Goals
*Network/Connect with more individuals in your field
*Get a new job
*Get a promotion
*Improve your public speaking and communication skills. Here’s a list of the most valuable skills you can bring to any job!
*Learn how to negotiate
*Wear business professional clothes once a week to work
*Become proficient at excel (or any other program)
*Be open to criticism
*Create more work-life balance for yourself
*Say hi to everyone in the office
*Turn your camera on in Zoom meetings
*Start a side hustle
School-Related Resolutions
*Start projects/assignments earlier (don’t leave it all for the last day)
*Make the Dean’s list
*Participate in group discussions
*Always do the extra credit
*Ask for help more often
*Join a new club/organization
*Take on leadership roles in group projects
*Take an online course for fun
*Apply for scholarships
Style/Beauty Resolutions
*Learn how to do a certain hairstyle
*Try a new make-up look
*Develop a skincare routine. Here’s what my current skincare routine looks like!
*Don’t go to sleep with your make-up on. Want more skincare tips? Here are 8 of my beauty secrets for flawless skin.
*Lay out your outfit the night before work
*Only buy clothes you truly love (this will save you a lot of money!)
*Invest in high quality essentials
Faith/Spiritual Related Resolutions
*Read the bible 3 times a week
*Read a faith book
*Get into the habit of reading a daily devotional
*Go to church more often
*Pray every day
*Join a bible study
*Share the Word
Organization Resolutions
*Once a week declutter the entire house. Here’s a list of 20 things in your home to organize right now!
*Clean out your closet
*Organize kitchen drawers/get rid of things you don’t use
*Organize one room a week until your house is completely organized
*Hang up your clothes as soon as they are washed/dried (don’t leave them on the floor)
*Go through make-up, nail polish, hair accessories and get rid of all old/expired items
*Clean out your email/unsubscribe from all unwanted emails
*Clean out file cabinets/desk drawers
*Delete photos from your phone
*Clean/get rid of expired food in refrigerator
*Clean out your car
Travel Resolutions
*Travel to a new country
*Plan a girls/guys trip. We went to Chicago for a weekend getaway and it was incredible. Chicago travel guide with the best things to see, where to stay and where to eat here.
*Go on a road trip
*Go to a new place you’ve never been before
*Find something new to do/see in the state you live
*Get a passport
*Cross something off your bucket list
Financial Goals
*Save $10,000 by the end of the year
*Pay off $X of student loans. These are the 8 tips that have helped me pay off my debt and achieve financial freedom.
*Pay off all outstanding debt
*Build an emergency fund (aim for 3-6 months of expenses)
*Create a budget and track your spending. Here is the budgeting template I use that helped me save thousands, pay off debt and manage my money easily.
*Pay attention to sale ads and buy when items are on sale
*Cut back on grocery spending
*Start saving for retirement
*Increase your credit score
*Invest your money (if you’re new to investing, here’s a step by step guide to investing for beginners)
*Limit spending on clothes, home decor, nails, etc (pick one that you spend the most on). Here are 15 things I stopped buying to save tons of money.
So there you go! 100+ goal ideas and New Year’s Resolutions that you can choose from! I know sometimes I have a hard time thinking of yearly goals, so I hope this gives you some great ideas. Comment a few of your New Years goals below so we can all hold each other accountable!
Wishing you all a happy and healthy upcoming year!
Related blog posts you may like:
- How to Budget For Beginner’s (with free budgeting template)
- Money Saving and Spending Tips You Should Live By
- 15 Money Saving Hacks That Will Save You Hundreds
This post shared over 100 yearly goal ideas for the new year!