How to Be a Confident Woman: The 15 Habits All Confident Women Possess

Today, we’re talking all about CONFIDENCE! The qualities, characteristics and habits all confident people possess, our top tips for building self-confidence and how to be a confident woman in your everyday life!

Let me first say, confidence CAN be learned! You don’t have to be born with confidence. I mean it definitely helps if you have a little faith in yourself, but with practice, confidence, self-assurance and trust in yourself can all be learned. And we’re going to show you how!

How to be a Confident woman

Now, take a moment to think. What would it feel like if you had confidence in yourself? How would you present yourself? How would you feel mentally, physically and emotionally? Would you behave differently than you do now?

Answer these questions and as you read this post, think about what you can realistically do right now to increase your confidence! We challenge you to pick one of the habits below and focus on it for 3-4 weeks. Journal and reflect on how you feel the first day vs. the last day!

Building confidence takes hard work, but it’s worth it in the end!

How to be a confident woman in your everyday life!

1. She’s not afraid to try new things that are out of her comfort zone

Confident women know that all good things happen when you put yourself outside of your comfort zone. When you’re uncomfortable, that’s where the growth happens! Good things happen to those who push themselves beyond what they’re comfortable doing.

Additionally, confident women aren’t afraid to try new things, do things differently, or question the norm. They know that other people will judge regardless of what they do, (everyone always has an opinion), but they do it anyway!

2. She maintains eye contact!

Eye contact is a nonverbal cue that portrays confidence. When speaking to someone, maintain eye contact with them. This is a simple way to immediately appear more confident in social settings! It’s a little thing, that can make a big difference!

Without a doubt, body language is a major indicator of confidence. Think about the body language of someone that is extremely confident. How do they look? Typically they are standing tall, they’re maintaining eye contact with you, smiling, keeping their chin up and facing you when they speak. Try incorporating these nonverbal body language cues into your every day life!

And even if you don’t feel confident yet, fake it ’til you make it! Confidence will come.

3. She has a positive outlook on life

A confident person views life with the glass half full mentality. She recognizes the good in people, finds the positives in all situations and surrounds herself with uplifting, inspiring and other successful women. Although a bad day here and there is bound to happen, she is able to look past it and remember that tomorrow is a new day.

If you want to be a more positive person, try incorporating these things into your life:

  • Writing down three things you’re grateful for every morning
  • Smile often!
  • Re-frame your thoughts when you start to think negatively
  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • State three positive statements about yourself each morning
  • Recognize that you are in control of your life and your success and failure

4. She uses her own judgment to make decisions

A confident woman uses her own judgment to make important decisions in her life. She isn’t afraid to ask others for advice or opinions, but she feels comfortable making decisions by herself. She trusts her own ideas and understanding of the situation to make the right choice.

Along with that, confident women don’t need the approval of others. They don’t need to feel validated for every decision they make.

5. She remains true to her authentic self.

Confident women stay true to their values, faith and authentic self! They don’t feel the need to change who they are to fit in with a group of individuals or to feel liked by others. They know their worth and the value they bring to a room and they use that to their advantage.

If you struggle with the feeling to change parts of who you are to fit in with a room of people, here are some things that might help!

  • Write down a list of values that are important to you. Keep it somewhere you’ll always see!
  • Remember that your uniqueness is what makes you special
  • Keep in mind that you’re not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s OKAY!
  • Nobody else can be YOU!

6. She doesn’t let others’ opinions tear her down

A truly confident woman doesn’t let the opinions of others’ affect her personally. She knows that any negative opinions or comments someone else makes are a reflection of them and not her. She doesn’t let those opinions stop her from living her best life or going after her dreams!

So many times, we can be torn down and ripped apart by the words someone else says about us. It can be extremely hard to just brush those comments off. But, when someone says something hurtful or negative to you, try not to take it personally. There are ALWAYS going to be people who disagree with you. People who are jealous of what you are doing and want to see you fail. And people who aren’t happy with their own life, so they want to bring others down with them.

Remember who you are as a person and your core values. Don’t let someone else’s negativity affect your personal life and future success.

7. She remains calm in stressful situations

Confident women know that stressful situations are bound to arise in their lives and they feel confident in their abilities to handle the matter in a calm, controlled manner. They believe in themselves and what their capable of. Overreacting, panicking or stressing out about the issue will not help the situation and they know that.

If you are someone that’s quick to panic, stop yourself, think clearly about the problem and run through the list of solutions in your head. Think about what you need to do to fix it and create a plan to do so. By doing this, you will feel more in control, less anxious and more confident!

8. She celebrates the success of others

Confident women build others up and celebrate the wins of their family members, friends and people around them! When you’re confident in yourself, your own abilities and your skills, you know that you’re not in competition with anyone other than yourself. The only person you need to be better than, is the person you were yesterday.

Remember, your own success is not dependent on the failures of others. Your success is dependent on you!

9. She has clear goals and an action plan to achieve them

Setting specific, measurable and attainable goals is important to her. She recognizes that she needs an action plan in place in order to achieve her goals! Goals don’t mean anything unless you have a plan to achieve them.

I like to use these Goal Planning PowerSheets to set, plan and track my goal progress throughout the month. This goal planner will help you narrow in on your priorities and what’s important to you to help you create an action-based plan for your goals.

how to be a confident woman and set goals

Grab my free Quarterly & Monthly Goal-Setting Worksheet. Print it out and keep track of all the goals you want to achieve!

10. She carries a confident attitude with her

Confidence is all about how you carry yourself. Think about the most confident people you know. What do they look like? What do you think makes them so confident? The first thing you may notice is their attitude. They have this confident, “I can do anything” mentality that they carry with them.

Not the mentality that they’re better than you, but the mentality that they deserve to be in the room. They know their strengths and values and have self-assurance in their abilities.

A little piece of advice – fake it ’til you make it. If you’re not confident in your abilities yet, just act like you do. With practice and faith in your abilities, the more confident you will feel.

11. She focuses on personal growth and improving herself

Taking the time to learn about yourself; your strengths, weaknesses, fears and personal values; and allow yourself to grow as an individual is important to becoming a confident woman! True confidence comes from within. It’s the feeling of self-assurance and trust in yourself that you’re capable and deserving of everything that comes your way!

Confidence is a state of mind that can be strengthened with practice. Doing activities that help you find your strengths and weaknesses, stating positive affirmations every day, getting fully dressed and ready for each day, standing up tall, and smiling are all small habits that you can work on to increase your self-confidence!

12. She feels comfortable in her own skin!

Number one tip on how to be a confident woman! Confident women feel comfortable in their own bodies. They recognize their strength, power and beauty and celebrate their uniqueness. Confident people appreciate that every single person is made different, with unique features and attributes. They know that our differences are what makes us special!

If you want to feel more confident in your body, start by looking at yourself in the mirror and stating all the features, aspects and qualities you love about yourself. Do this every single day! When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, state three qualities you love about yourself.

13. She doesn’t let fear hold her back

She accepts that she feels uncomfortable or nervous in some situations, but she doesn’t let that stop her from pursuing new endeavors. She’s not afraid to go after her dreams, invest in her future or make mistakes.

If fear currently holds you back from pursuing your dreams or trying something new, I want you to ask yourself these questions.

  • What are you actually afraid of?
  • Do you have a reason to be fearful?
  • What is the worst that could happen?
  • What is the best thing that could happen?

Now, are you ready to face your fear!?

14. She’s open to criticism and feedback

Confident women welcome feedback and criticism. They’re open to new ideas and changes that could potentially improve a process! They understand that constructive criticism is beneficial and will ultimately help them grow and improve their personal or professional life.

If you’re someone who has a difficult time accepting feedback from other people, here are a few things to remember.

  • Constructive feedback is meant to help you improve as a person
  • Do not take the criticism personally. Again, it’s meant to help you improve, not tear you down.
  • Criticism can help you get ahead of your competition faster
  • If someone gives you feedback, it means they care enough to want you to succeed

15. She develops healthy habits that help her succeed

A confident woman knows the importance of developing healthy habits and consistent daily routines. She creates habits that help her feel good both inside and out. This means developing a morning and night routine, drinking enough water, practicing gratitude, carving out self-care time and moving her body daily.

When it comes to creating new habits, consistency is key. Habits aren’t formed overnight! You have to work at them. I recommend using a habit tracker to keep tabs on the your habits and help you stay on track!

Resources to help you become confident!

Here are our favorite books, podcasts and journals that will help you become your most confident self! Building confidence takes hard work, it’s definitely not easy! If it was, everyone would have confidence in themselves. But, these resources will help you recognize your worth, your power and the value you bring to the world!

Books We Recommend

  1. Live Fearless: A Call to Power, Passion and Purpose – Sadie Robertson
  2. Get Out of Your Head – Jennie Allen
  3. You are a Badass – Jen Sincero
  4. Own your Every Day – Jordan Lee Dooley

Journals + Podcasts

  1. The Self-Confidence Workbook
  2. My Wellness Journal
  3. A Year of Positive thinking – Daily Inspiration, Wisdom and Courage
  4. The Confidence Podcast
  5. Earn Your Happy

The Earn Your Happy podcast is a personal favorite of mine! I listen to it almost every morning. Lori is so fun and real and will give you so much motivation to go out and live your best life. She brings on fellow women to share their stories and experiences, she shares tips on overcoming imposter syndrome, how to believe in yourself and everything from building confidence to growing your income and more!

If you need more book recommendations, here is a list of our 30 favorite inspirational, motivational and female empowering books! These are must-reads in our opinion.

As a reminder, confidence isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes a long time for you to reframe your mind and develop new habits! But, YOU CAN DO IT! By taking actionable, small steps every day you will get there!

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This post shared our top tips on how to be a confident woman!

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