My Goals for 2020!

Happy 2020 everyone! For some reason 2020 seemed like a year so far in the future, yet here we are! I basically blinked and 2019 was over. 2019 was an amazing year; I bought my first car, turned 23, my boyfriend and I moved in together, I paid off a huge amount of student loan debt and so much more. I have a whole blog post written on 2019 in review! So if you want to read more about my year and see how I did at accomplishing the goals I set for myself originally, click here!

I know some people aren’t big New Year Resolutions people, but I definitely am! I feel like I have a renewed sense of motivation to accomplish goals in my life. Since I’m not in college anymore, I feel like the beginning of a new year, kind of feels like the beginning of a new semester would for me. I would get so excited to buy new notebooks and write in my planner, attend classes and plan out my semester. There was just a sense of excitement and motivation at the start of every school year/semester, and that’s how a new year feels for me. It’s a time to revisit goals and things you want to accomplish throughout the year.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t set goals at any point during the year and that you have to wait for January 1st to start making progress on anything. I just feel like I have a new sense of motivation to get stuff done!

Keep reading to see what goals I’m setting for myself in 2020!

Personal Goals

*Spend less time on my phone and more time in the moment

*Go to church at least once a month

*Write in my faith journal weekly

*On the first day of every month – Write down my Budget for the month, 3 Personal Goals, 3 Blogging Goals, write down my blog numbers from the month before

*Learn a new skill – thinking of trying out calligraphy or hand lettering!

*Every morning, write down 3 things I’m grateful for and 3 priorities for the day

*Make more time for meditation, reading, writing, baths, journaling, unplugging, face masks, etc.

*Spend less time looking at my own reflection and more time spreading love and God’s word with the world

Environmental Goals

*Stop taking plastic bags when I go to the store and instead bring my own bag

*Stop using plastic sandwich bags (I got a few silicone bags for Christmas and I can’t wait to use them!)

*Continue learning about safer ingredients and swapping out toxic products

Health/Fitness Goals

*Brush and floss two times a day!

*Go to Princeton Club at least twice a week and workout at my apartment two times

*Eat more greens (this is very hard for me since I’m a picky eater)

*Incorporate weights into my workouts at least once a week

Financial Goals

*Open a money market account

*Choose 3 months out of the year to do a No-Spend challenge (starting with January)

*Have less than $X in student loans

Blogging Goals

*Make $X off of blogging

*Have 5,000 followers

*Overcome my fear of speaking on video- talk on Insta stories more and make a YouTube channel

*Show up as me on social media/my blog. Focus more on just being myself and not worrying if I have the apartment totally clean or my makeup done to do a story, etc.

*Stop scrolling on Instagram! If I do scroll, set a timer and only allow myself to be on Insta for a few minutes.

*Don’t worry about likes on social media or what other people think

*Use social media with intention and post because I’m passionate about it

So those are my goals for the new year! What are some of yours that you want to accomplish!?

If you haven’t thought about it, take some time to think about where you want your life to be by the end of the next year. Is there a bad habit you want to break? A savings goal you want to meet? Or a health goal you want to finally achieve? Think about some goals you want to see yourself accomplish and then brainstorm a few ways that you can help yourself achieve them! If you need ideas of goals you can set for yourself, click here!

I know following through with goals can be hard, so if you are someone that has a hard time sticking to your New Year resolutions, I have a post written on my best tips on how to fulfill your goals here. I go into more details about how you can create actionable goals that you can measure, which will help you accomplish the goals you originally set.

And if you have any post ideas or topics you want me to blog about, let me know! I love hearing your ideas.

I wish you all a very happy, healthy, and blessed 2020! 🙂 



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